
Showing posts from May, 2023

Cryptocurrency Prices, Charts And Market Capitalizations

India is set to launch a state-backed digital currency by next year, the government announced last week. The National Bank of Ukraine has been exploring the possibility of issuing a national digital currency since 2016. China became the world's first major economy to pilot a digital currency in April 2020. The People's Bank of China is aiming for widespread domestic use of the e-CNY, or digital yuan, in 2022. History Of Digital Currency To identify a bank account it uses a unique Virtual Payment Address of the type ''. The VPA can be assigned by the bank, but can also be self specified just like an email address. Money can be transferred from one VPA to another or from one VPA to any bank account in a participating bank using account number and bank branch details. The Danish government proposed getting rid of the obligation for selected retailers to accept payment in cash, moving the country closer to a "cashless" economy. Nearly a third of the Danish pop...